
Showing posts from February, 2022

Reading 06

  Image of the original Xbox For this weeks reading task I continued on with my book. My original plan was to add on a piece about Fusajiro Yamauchi, the founder of Nintendo after doing research on Nintendo last week however every article I found on him either didn't give enough information about his personal life or had too much information similar to what I read last week so I would have just been repeating myself. I read an article called "The History Of Xbox" by Gabe Gurwin. I was told I should aim more towards academic articles although I found it hard to find one on the history of Xbox on Google Scholar and believe it or not I just ended up being led to this one but I'm gonna try avoid non-academic articles from now on. As the weeks have been going on I'm starting to get more into these reading tasks and am finding them easier and slightly more enjoyable. I'm beginning to run a bit short of ideas although hopefully by next week I'll think of somethin...

Game Jam

  Image from our game. Introduction This weekend a number of students from different TU Dublin campuses participated in the game jam. The game jam is an event which takes place online over the course of a whole weekend where a number of students from different campuses are put in a group and must create a game together. The brief we were given was to make a game where you can learn a different language. Our language was French. The Team My team consisted of me, Dominika Skrzat another student from my course, Allison O' Donovan and Finn Burke Power, two students from TU Dublin Aungier Street who are studying business and language. These students are studying French and I have never met them before. Myself and Dominikas role was to design the game while Allison and Finns roles were to put together a few French questions for the game. Organisation And Planning A French student and German student were accidentally put on my team at the beginning but because they were two students from ...

Unity Tutorial 05 (Semester 2)

Image from the tutorial Throughout these tutorials I have been using a static camera within a single screen so this week I had learn how to control my camera automatically without needing to use code. This was so my camera would always follow Ruby. To do this first I had to open my packages folder and install my cinemachine package. I then had to add a cinemachine 2D camera to my scene creating a GameObject called CM vcam1. I then learned about the two different camera modes in games. The camera modes are perspective and orthographic. Perspective mode is where the lines going away from the camera converge to a point which makes objects appear smaller as they get further away from the camera. Orthographic mode is when parallel lines stay parallel. The instructions said to leave the camera in orthographic mode because since it is a 2D game things shouldn't get smaller in the distance so that's what I did. I then had to set my camera to 50 units of the world in it's height so ...

Reading 05

  Image of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) For this weeks reading task I continued working on my book. This week I decided to talk about the history of Nintendo. I read an academic article called "The History Of Nintendo: The Company, Consoles And Games" by Laurie Takeda. After weeks of reading wikipedia and newspaper articles my lecturer told me I need to start reading academic ones so I decided to do that for this week. This article talked about how Nintendo first began as a playing cards company in 1889 which I never knew before. I also learned that Nintendo was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi and is now being ran by his son-in-law Minoru Arakawa. The article also talked about the origin of the company as well as the companies games and consoles. I also learned from this article that the first consoles Nintendo invented were the TV Game 6 and TV Game 15. I had never heard of these consoles before. I now feel like the book writing is going to get better after the feedb...

Unity Tutorial 04 (Semester 2)

  Image from the tutorial For this weeks tutorial I continued on with Ruby's Adventure once again. At this point I had my world created with objects, a character and enemies but this week I had to add animation to my character. The first thing I had to do was go into prefab mode for my robot prefab and add a new component called animator component. Afterwards I had to create an animator controller and set it up in my robot animator.  I then had to enable my controller in my controller setting. After this I had to actually create the animations. To do this I had to open my animation window and create an animation called RobotLeft.anim.  I then had to change my sprites by bringing them into my animation window. I then had to get my robot moving by creating a new animation clip called Right_Run and adding a flip property to my sprite renderer. I then had to build a controller in my animation window. My animator included both layers and parameters on the left side and an anim...


( ) For this weeks reading task we had to further analyse our topic. Since my topic is "The History Of Gaming Consoles" I decided that this week I was gonna base my research around the Playstation. First thing I did was I looked at an article on the history of Sony as they are the company that invented the Playstation. While I was reading this I discovered that the founder of Sony was Masaru Ibuka so I decided to research an article on him and add that information to my book as well as the history of Sony. I then looked up an article on the evolution of Playstation which included information on the history of each Playstation as well as their notable games. This book writing is starting too get a bit easier however I still am struggling in some areas with things such as review matrix's and referencing although I am learning lots of new information about the history of gaming throughout th...

Unity Tutorial 03 (Semester 2)

(Image of enemy from the tutorial) For this weeks Unity tutorial I continued on with my Ruby's Adventure tutorials that I have been doing since the beginning of the semester. At this point I had my world set up but this week I had to make it possible for Ruby to collect items such as health packs. First off I had to give Ruby some health. To do this I had to add a health variable to my script. After this I had to add a new variable called a function in order to change my characters health. I had to add the following code: void ChangeHealth(int amount), currentHealth = Mathf.Clamp(currentHealth + amount, 0, maxHealth); Debug.Log(currentHealth + "/" + maxHealth); After I did this I was able to see Ruby's health in the console window. I then had to make it possible for Ruby to collect health. To do this I had to find the CollectibleHealth object in my assets folder and add it to my scene. I then had to adjust the PPU value to the right size. I then had to add a box colli...

Unity Tutorial 02 (Semester 2)

  Image from the tutorial For this weeks Unity tutorial I had to continue on from last weeks one where we set up Ruby's Adventure. This week I had to decorate the world I set up last week. First I had to select the metalcube object from my assets folder and add it to my scene however when I did this Ruby was unable to collide with my GameObject so obviously I had to fix this. To do this I had to go into draw a GameObject using graphic in my project settings. I then had to find transparency sort mode and change my default settings to custom axis. I then had to set my transparency sort axis coordinates to x=0, y=1, and z=0. After I did this Ruby was being drawn in front of the box too early so of course I had to fix this too using the sprite renderer. First I had to select the Ruby GameObject in my hierarchy and find its sprite renderer component in my inspector. Then I had to change my sprite sort point field from center to pivot so that it wouldn't be set in the center anymore....

Reading 03: Researching My Topic

Image of Ralph H. Baer, inventor of The Brown Box holding the object.  ( ) For this weeks reading task we had to research information relating to our book topic. The topic I have gone with is The History Of Game Consoles. Each week I will be looking at the history of each console and how they have evolved since their release date. This week to get started I just went with a basic description of what a console is. I just used a Wikipedia page to start me off however I understand I can't do this every week.  After I defined what a console is I researched an article on the evolution of consoles. While doing this I learned about consoles that I never knew existed for example the first ever console to be invented The Brown Box. I also discovered a series of consoles called the Magnavox, the first invention being the Magnavox Odyssey. When I finished talking about the evolutio...


Image of mind map I created on Miro with keywords Reflection:  For this week we had to start brainstorming our idea for our book that we will be working on throughout the semester. Each of us will be adding a specific topic for each chapter of the book and then we will be putting it all together at the end of the semester. When told about this project I started to brainstorm a few ideas. Firstly I thought of the idea to talk about game stories and explore the narrative side of games an idea that lots of other people had. I then thought of the idea to go with game definitions based on one of our readings "What Is A Game?" that we did in semester 1 however I began to realise that there might not be a lot I can write about in the space of 12 weeks. I then thought of doing consoles. I realised this would be a good topic because there is a lot I could talk about for the next 12 weeks such as the different types of consoles, different generations, how they evolved, each consoles hi...