Reading 03: Researching My Topic

Image of Ralph H. Baer, inventor of The Brown Box holding the object. 

For this weeks reading task we had to research information relating to our book topic. The topic I have gone with is The History Of Game Consoles. Each week I will be looking at the history of each console and how they have evolved since their release date. This week to get started I just went with a basic description of what a console is. I just used a Wikipedia page to start me off however I understand I can't do this every week. 

After I defined what a console is I researched an article on the evolution of consoles. While doing this I learned about consoles that I never knew existed for example the first ever console to be invented The Brown Box. I also discovered a series of consoles called the Magnavox, the first invention being the Magnavox Odyssey.

When I finished talking about the evolution of consoles I read an article on Ralph H. Baer and I talked about his history and him inventing the Brown Box. I talked about his education and his military service. 

Finally the last article I researched was an article on The Brown Box itself. The article discussed its release date, how it was invented, games that were available on it and how Ralph H. Baer licensed the product to Magnavox which then resulted in the invention of the Magnavox Odyssey.

So far I'm finding these reading tasks to be very challenging and the instructions hard to follow and I have more then likely done this wrong however hopefully overtime it will get easier for me to understand and my quality of work will get much better. 

Links to research that I did.


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