Reading 05
Image of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
For this weeks reading task I continued working on my book. This week I decided to talk about the history of Nintendo. I read an academic article called "The History Of Nintendo: The Company, Consoles And Games" by Laurie Takeda. After weeks of reading wikipedia and newspaper articles my lecturer told me I need to start reading academic ones so I decided to do that for this week. This article talked about how Nintendo first began as a playing cards company in 1889 which I never knew before. I also learned that Nintendo was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi and is now being ran by his son-in-law Minoru Arakawa. The article also talked about the origin of the company as well as the companies games and consoles. I also learned from this article that the first consoles Nintendo invented were the TV Game 6 and TV Game 15. I had never heard of these consoles before. I now feel like the book writing is going to get better after the feedback I received from my lecturer about reading academic articles instead of newspaper ones. Next week I plan on talking about Fusajiro Yamauchi.
Link to article I researched
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