Game Alpha

Image from my game

This week I have continued working on my game like I have been doing every week. So far I have been enjoying the process of making the game. I decided since I have limited time to just make my game simple rather than stressing myself out to make a brilliant game. So far I have my player moving and my crates disappearing however I'm still having issues ending my game. Strangely enough when I type in my game over code my crates just disappear without me even moving my player. Once I manage to end my game I feel like I will be ready to wrap it up so the sooner I get these issues fixed the better.



  1. Hi Eoin! And so far you are doing quite well and I wonder if you are going to be importing some sort of a 3D character in still? And are the obstacles gonna be actual crates as well instead of white boxes? Will you also be adding in a game over screen when a player collides with one of the crates? Also, I think I forgot to ask before but what is the sort of theme you are trying to make with this game and what environment you are making? I believe you will make it good and you can do it ! All the best to you and the rest of the game process!

  2. Hi, It is nice that you know what you are doing and I am sure you are not too far away from finishing your game. What if you check Unity Asset Library there is a lot of free assets you can download there for free that can make your game look really cool, i think it is worth checking and I agree we have very limited time and it is really hard to finish everything to very high standard i will be the same like you, i will be focusing on finishing my game and make it working at least.

  3. it is very good that you know exactly what you are doing lol because at this point in my game i was not sure what i was going to do with my own game because of how hard I thought it was but you managed to get your alpha work done so congrats bro


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