Reading 09
Image of my check your understanding
For this weeks reading tasks we had to once again review two other students work. These were the same two students who's work we reviewed two weeks ago. We also had to make changes based on our reviews. Last week I was told by my lecturer that my chapter was too long and that I had to cut it down. I'm still currently working on that however I have made some progress. The person who reviewed my work said that it was a really interesting topic and that I have done lots of research and he liked how I talked about each individual console however he said I could maybe add a little introduction which I will get around to. Despite these small criticisms I think I'm doing ok enough. Another thing we had to do this week was create an interactive game relating to your chapter topic using a website called H5P. I had never heard of H5P before and at first I found it quite confusing but I actually enjoyed doing it once I got the hang of it. I made a fill in the blanks game with sentences from my book and I had a word missing from each sentence for players to fill in. We will be adding this to our chapter at the end.
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