
Showing posts from March, 2022

Reading 08

  ( ) For this weeks reading task I just continued on with my book. The research for this book has actually proven to be easier than I thought now that we've actually started to see each others work. I was a bit worried about how I was doing with this module but after getting positive feedback last week I think I'm doing ok. This week I decided to talk about Microsoft, continuing on from my topic last week where I talked about the history of Xbox. The article I researched was called "Microsoft Corporation" by Brittanica. The article talked about the founding and formation of Microsoft. It also talked about how Microsoft entered the world of gaming and mobile phones with the release of the Xbox consoles as well as the HTC, Motorola, LG and Samsung. It also mentioned that Microsoft origin...

Reading 07

( ) For this weeks reading task we had to add our chapters from our book to the class Google Doc. We were then split into groups of three and these groups had to review each others work. The two people who I was asked to review talked about games effects on mental health and multiplayer evolution. The person who talked about games effects on mental health talked about both the positive and negative effects on mental health. He discusses how people often feel like video games are bad for your mental health and while he stated that can be true as they can cause you stress they can have a positive impact on your mental health for example when you win the game you are playing can really boost your mood. He mentions that playing Demon Souls can cause you stress however beating the final boss in Ghosts Of Tshunima after playing it over and over again or winning a match on FIFA can help lift your mood. He also mentions that...

Unity Tutorial 07 (Semester 2)

  Image from the tutorial This week I did my final Ruby tutorial for the semester and I have to say it was a pretty good feeling. Up until this week my game has had no audio so this week I had to add some in. This week I learned about audio clips, audio listener and audio source. Audio clips are assets that you can import from an audio file such as MP3 and wav. Audio listener is a component that tells you where the listener is in the scene which is placed on the camera. Audio source is a component that allows you to play an audio clip where the GameObject is. The first thing I had to do was add in some background music. To do this I had to create a new GameObject called BackgroundMusic and add audio source to it. I then had to add in an audio clip called 2D MUSIC LOOP so that the music would play from the beginning to the end. I then had to add in the spatial blend slider and make it go all the way to 2D so that my music could be heard everywhere. I then had to add a one shot sound...

Unity Tutorial 06 (Semester 2)

  Image from the tutorial For this weeks tutorial I had to add a user interface to my game so that I could see Ruby's health on screen. The first thing I had to do was create a UI canvas in my hierarchy. After I did this a new GameObject called EventSystem was added to my scene. This GameObject is a component that dealt with interactions with the UI such as a mouse click. I then had to select this GameObject in my inspector. The GameObject had something called a rect transform component instead of a transform component. The difference between a transform component and a rect transform component is that it has additional UI data and it can be in three different modes: Overlay which makes Unity display your health on screen at all times, camera which aligns the UI with your camera and world space which draws a plane anywhere in your world.  I had to keep it in overlay so I could see Ruby's health all the time. I then had to use the canvas scaler component and set it to constant ...