Unity Tutorial 09

Image from the tutorial

For this weeks tutorial we had the choice of continuing on with the next tutorial after last weeks or going back and doing previous tutorials that will help us with our final game. As I am busy with my final game and am still yet to end my game with a "you win" or "game over" message I decided to go back and do the tutorial on how to trigger a game over message. This is one of the collision decisions tutorials which I have also gone back over as my game involves your player colliding with boxes and destroying them. Doing the tutorial this time around was easier than the first time as I had already done it before so I just had to repeat what I did last time. This tutorial has helped me with my collision decisions in my game and I found triggering my game over message easy during the tutorial however I am still struggling with it in my actual game as my game has a different setting and I plan on ending my game when my player falls off the road in my game so obviously I need to add a different code. I will continue to look back over this tutorial and the first tutorial we had to do at the beginning of the semester as they will be the most helpful with my game.



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