Growth Mindset
Growth mindset is the idea that anything is possible through hard work and dedication and the idea of always learning new skills no matter how hard they may be and believing that you can become talented at something by working hard at it rather than your talent just being a trait for example, you may not be good at football when you first try it but with a growth mindset you will tell yourself that "if I just go out and practice and attend training sessions and continue to play football with my friends I'll get better at it. Growth mindset is all about stepping up to new challenges and teaching yourself how to improve rather than giving up and refusing to try new things. Growth mindset believes that anyone can be good at anything if they just put their mind to it which is the opposite of a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset believes that people are born with talents and traits for example, "that person is just naturally good at football I'm not" "I don't need to study for exams I'm naturally smart". People with a fixed mindset believe that people who are good at things don't have to put in any effort and that they are just good at things naturally. If someone with a growth mindset is struggling with something and unable to do it they decide to try a different way of doing it whereas some with a fixed mindset will just tell themselves "I can't do this" you will see this a lot in college. Throughout college myself as well as many other students will go through many stages of "I'm not giving up I'll try a different approach at doing these assignments" and "I just can't do this it's way too hard" and some students with a fixed mindset will just submit whatever work they've done while others with a growth mindset will look over what they've done and see if there is anything that they need to improve. I had hardly any motivation throughout 1st year as I was finding online college way too complicated however I told myself "this isn't how most people start 1st year, this isn't a proper college experience it's obviously going to be much harder under these circumstances there's no point giving up before I even get to experience college properly". Unfortunately I failed three of the modules in 1st year and while I was doing my summer repeats I was constantly having breakdowns and having doubts as to whether I even wanted to continue on with the course however I passed the repeats by putting my head down and doing the work instead of giving up and now I have made it into 2nd year and am on campus and have now learned some very important lessons about improvement and just putting my head down when getting the work and asking for help if I'm struggling instead of just putting it off until the last minute. I was looking at the content of 2nd year in this course and I see one of the modules is documentary filmmaking which I am looking forward to very much as I want to do filmmaking when I am finished college however I am very nervous about the work this year. Before doing this assignment I had never heard of Carol Dweck however I had heard the term growth mindset before and I think growth mindset and Carol Dwecks ideas are very smart. In her TEDTalk she talks about a school in Chicago that grades students with a "not yet" instead of a fail when they don't do well so that instead of them feeling like failures they feel like they have another chance to improve which I think is a very good idea because it makes students feel like they have another chance. This assignment has really opened my eyes to the idea of growth mindset and has helped motivate me more for this year.
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