Reading 12
( ) This week after a long semester of hard work, research and writing we finally finished up on our book chapters. We are now ready to launch our book which is a very good feeling. I have to say this wasn't an easy task to do however I learned lots of new things in the process. The topic I chose was the history of game consoles. I researched different articles every week relating to this topic and learned some very interesting things. I learned that the first ever game console was The Brown Box invented in 1967 by Ralph H. Baer. I also learned that Nintendo was founded by Fusajiro Fukada and that they used to be a card company. I had a lot of difficulty understanding these tasks. At first I was told that my chapter was too long so I had to cut it down which was very difficult as I was worried that I would end up cutting it too short but thankfully the last feedback I got told me that my chapter had improved and that a...